Saturday, March 14, 2015

Inching Up A Mountain

I used to curse myself for how slow my progress came in life. With many things, it is easy to pick it up one afternoon, and master it by that night. This feeling of instant gratification dulls your senses, and leaves you hollow. Your instant successes with cause getting what you really want to become much more mentally taxing.
Instead of looking at how far you have left to go, instead look upon how far you have already come. If you only move an inch at a time, you will be much farther alone than if you just give up. It will be stressful, confusing, and difficult; But when you finally reach the top of the mountain, you will be so elated by that victory that you won't even be able to remember the troubles of the journey that brought you there.
So the next time you are struggling with accomplishing a dream, just remember that most people wander through life aimlessly, not even knowing what they want in the first place. If you know where you want to go, you can get there. It just takes time.

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