Thursday, March 26, 2015

Mind Prison

If you could see inside my mind
see into the world that exists in my dreams
you would see a man screaming
sprawled out on his knees

with hands raised towards the heavens
mouth begging to be forgiven

it is not that he has done anything wrong
it is that the man knows he is stuck being mortal
when he could be walking the earth as a god

my mind sees further
it knows you by your soul
it can tell when you are guarded
it can taste you when you are pure

if only the flesh could be made to reflect
the man that lives inside
I wouldn't be made to regret
this representation that is slightly a lie

not in an evil or malicious way
but merely with lament
that the truth is greater
than what can be seen

close your eyes
see whats inside
and allow yourself patience
as I push it through the cracks in this armor
that has been serving to protect
for far too much time

Let me out
Let me out
I want nothing more than to be completely free

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